Wonder Weeks Leap Calendar. First is the 4 week milestone: During a leap, your baby’s development changes dramatically.

Wonder Weeks Leap Calendar

Leap 3 = around 12 weeks. Leap 3 = around 12 weeks.

And Has Been For 30 Years!

Also with preemies and twins.

The Baby Leaps That We’re Talking Usually Occur As Follows:

Or would you like to know which leap it is?

Leap 3 = Around 12 Weeks.

Images References :

How The Wonder Weeks App Works.

Also with preemies and twins.

After Filling In Your Child’s Due Date, The App Generates A Leap Chart That Specifically Illustrates Your Child’s Leaps.

Leap 4 = around 19 weeks.

Library_Books Which Date Do I Use To Calculate The Leaps?.